Hanka Rybka
A vocalist for whom music was and is a natural complement to everyday life. As she admits, she has always sung. Even as a young girl, she often participated in concerts of folk bands and ensembles. After completing her studies, she worked with outstanding artists on Polish stages. Her vocal abilities have brought her to the world of improvised music and jazz, where she has been invited by great musicians and visited the stages of Europe and America. In 2017, she was awarded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage with the Commemoration Prize for her long-standing activity in the field of culture and promoting the Podhale region. In 2019, Hanka Rybka and her band were awarded the Bronze Medal for “Meritorious Service to Culture” awarded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. In 2019, Hanka Rybka as Anna Chowaniec-Stasińska was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit.

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