Zygmunt Konieczny
Film and theatre composer, cabaret songwriter and pedagogue. A graduate of the Academy of Music in Kraków, faculty of composition. He created music for such theatre directors as Konrad Swinarski, Jerzy Jarocki, Andrzej Wajda, Tadeusz Łomnicki and Jan Englert, and as a film composer, he often works with Jan Jakub Kolski. His most recognisable songs belong to the repertoire of Ewa Demarczyk and Piwnica pod Baranami. Among his larger musical compositions are “Warsaw Uprising” (Powstanie warszawskie), “Konieczny’s Wyspiański,” “Serce moje gram” to Stanisław Wyspiański’s works, and “Litania polska” to the poems of Rev. Jan Twardowski.

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